Thursday, February 20, 2014

Some thoughts on Natural Law

The phrase “natural law” is very vague in my opinion. It refers to a type of moral theory, as well as to a type of legal theory, but the essential claims of the two types of theory are logically independent.

As I read some of the readings of Thomas Aquinas, I realized he focuses more on the overlap between legal theories and natural law moral theories. He is very well known on his philosophies of Classical Natural Law Theories.

When I would discuss my opinions on his theories, it reminded me much of Aristotle’s theory. As I did more research, I read that Thomas shadows Aristotle in thinking that “an act is good or bad depending on whether it contributes to or deters us from our proper human end—the telos or final goal at which all human actions aim.”

Moral Code play a big part in “natural law.” From what I know, “natural law” is a moral code that pertains to all human beings. The name comes from the faith and belief that there’s a moral code essential the world in general and humanity. God is normally recognized for making and imposing the world to this moral code.

The theory of “Natural law” has its problems. It really weakens the diversity found in many different races, cultures, religions, faiths and beliefs. Reason being is because many peoples beliefs are very strong and the natural code gets in the way of that.

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