I wanted to use this post for brain storming things we can do for the Video Show and Tell project (which I'd like to shorted to Vlog). If you have ideas, post them as a comment to this post.
My first three ideas:
Civil Rights
- This relates back to concepts of slavery and the letter from Birmingham Jail.
- Several sub topics within this include discrimination against:
- Islamic men and women
- Women in the workplace and society
- Hispanic Discrimination
- Class struggle
Morality in Law
- This relates back to Holmes' "Path of the Law"
- Is law objective, or is it open to opinion?
- Does law depend on culture (cultural/moral relativism, or is there an objective law that all people should follow (natural law)?
Essay/Paper Topic
- This would be us documenting our brain storming for the individual essays after the topic is posted.
All in all, each of these topics relate to what we're doing. Furthermore, if we decide to do one this time around, we can save the other two, as well as any other suggestions, for the other three Vlogs we have to make after this one.
Tell me what you guys think, and stay safe during the storm.
Those topics seem ideal so let's just sort them out and number them beginning with what will be first on Wed. From that we should be set and organized to get this project out of the way.